After years of research the EADPP Certificate for Data Protection Professionals is now available.
Data Protection Officers and Cybersecurity professionals are no longer unrelated professions. A good DPO or Cybersecurity professional must have knowledge of the others profession. Regulation and compliance are not enough to protect data alone, data must also be protected from cyber threats.
The European Association of Data Protection Professionals (EADPP) and partners Privacy Enablers are thrilled to announce the launch of the EADPP Certification for Data Protection Professionals. The syllabus supporting this certificate includes modules on EU GDPR, Data Protection and Cybersecurity.
If you are a DPO or Cyber professional seeking certification which recognises the demands of today checkout the syllabus and demonstrate to employers and others you work with your true value, become certified as a Data Protection Professional.
Open to anyone with an interest in Data Protection more information on the syllabus and the certificate is available here.
Download the syllabus and start your journey to certification today.