EADPP Certification for Data Protection Professionals

Get EADPP Data Protection certifiedThe European Association of Data Protection Professionals (EADPP) proudly presents the EADPP Certification for Data Protection Professionals as the gold standard for advancing expertise in data protection under the GDPR. Designed for professionals seeking to uphold the highest levels of accountability and privacy across Europe and beyond, this certification sets you apart in the ever-growing field of data protection.


Added value
The EADPP Certification underscores the vital convergence of data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity. Beyond the conventional compliance-oriented responsibilities of a Data Protection Officer (DPO), this certification encompasses a broad skill set and underscores a comprehensive understanding of implementing data protection principles beyond legal considerations.

Topics covered
Becoming certified as an EADPP Data Protection Professional requires passing the Certification exam. By obtaining this Certificate, the candidate demonstrates a holistic approach on data protection and privacy fundamental cornerstones, including Legislation, Compliance Mechanisms, Information Security, Work Plan, and Privacy Culture. Topics covered in the Syllabus include:

  • GDPR concepts and principles
  • Data governance
  • Information security
  • Privacy risks
  • Data protection frameworks
  • Cyber security principles

Individuals aspiring to attain the Certification can employ the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS) as a guiding compass to navigate the terrain of essential knowledge and competencies. The quantum of recommended learning and training hours is contingent upon the candidate's pre-existing proficiency and practical experience within the five principal domains encapsulated within the certification's BOKS.

BOKS v1.1

Benefits of becoming EADPP certified and a member of the EADPP

  • Comprehensive education on data protection laws and regulations.
  • Thorough understanding on implementing data protection beyond purely legal aspects.
  • Assurance to employers that the individual has proven knowledge of data protection with the necessary expertise to ensure the privacy of their customers.
  • Access to a network of peers, providing opportunities to exchange ideas and best practice, collaborate on projects and have your voice heard.

Differentiate yourself with the EADPP

  • Expertise: A professional with expertise in cybersecurity, policies, and procedures with know-how to create a privacy culture, has a broader range of skills and knowledge than a Data Protection Officer (DPO) focused on compliance.
  • Career prospects: Certified expertise in cybersecurity policies and privacy delivers enhanced career prospects.
  • Risk management: Cybersecurity and data protection are closely related. By understanding data, privacy, processes and cybersecurity risks facing an organization, an EADPP certified Data Protection Professional can help develop policies and procedures that are more effective in mitigating risk.
  • Skills: There is a lack of skilled Data Protection Professionals who know how to implement data protection principles in a cyber secure environment. Become part of the solution!

Certification partner

Privacy Enablers has been entrusted to deliver the EADPP approved Syllabus and examination content. Their partner, YouCap, oversees the exam and certification process, ensuring a seamless and reliable experience for candidates.

Exam modalities

Conducted in English, the exam comprises 40 single-option questions, requiring a minimum of 28 correct answers (70%) to achieve a passing score. The exam must be completed within a single 2-hour session.

Each domain of the BOKS is evaluated based on a specific set of questions. The average number of questions allocated to each domain provides insights into the depth of scrutiny applied, ensuring a thorough and comprehensive assessment. Specifically,

  • Domain A (European Data Protection Legislation) is weighted at 60%, meaning the exam will include 24 questions on this domain;
  • Domain B (Compliance Mechanisms) is weighted at 15%, corresponding to 6 questions;
  • Domain C (Information Security) is weighted at 10%, corresponding to 4 questions;
  • Domain D (Action Plan - How) is weighted at 10%, corresponding to 4 questions; and
  • Domain E (Privacy Culture) is weighted at 5%, corresponding to 2 questions.



The EADPP Data Professional Certification Syllabus v1.1 (445.5 KB) Download the EADPP Data Professional Certification Syllabus

Candidate handbook

The EADPP Data Professional Certification Handbook (506.7 KB) Download the EADPP Data Professional Certification Handbook.

Book your exam

Prior to your exam, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the Syllabus and Candidate Handbook (download links above). These comprehensive resources contain detailed information about the expected areas of knowledge and skills, exam registration process, candidate rules and guidelines, and other curcial details.

When you feel prepared, book your exam to become an EADPP Certified Data Protection Professional.  Once the exam is purchased, you will receive an email from Youcap, the exam proctor, containing a link to the exam platform where you can schedule your exam.

Your exam fee includes:

  • One online exam
  • Study book, "A Holistic Approach to Data Protection," blending theoretical insights with practical applications to guide professionals in implementing the GDPR effectively. Organized around the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS) Domains B through E, it highlights the technical, human, and organizational dimensions of data protection.
  • CDPP SEAP 200x200Upon successful completion of the exam:
    • An EADPP certificate, valid for three (3) years
    • EADPP membership for one (1) year
    • Certification Maintenance Fee, valid for three (3) years
    • Use of the title "EADPP Certified Data Protection Professional" and use of the EADPP CDPP SEAL
    • Part of Permanent Education Programme for recertification every three (3) years

We look forward to welcoming you as an EADPP Certified Data Protection Professional soon!

Book your exam
We are currently transitioning to a new platform to enhance the exam experience. This new environment will offer improved support options for candidates, better ensure exam integrity to uphold the quality of the certification, and provide a more user-friendly interface for a seamless examination process. 

Thank you for your patience as we make these important upgrades!